How To Compost Dog Poo Composting your dog’s waste isn’t as straightforward as composting food waste, so we explain the ins and outs of it. There’s an estimated 5.1 million dogs in [...]
Supermarkets replace plastic with BioBags Following news that South Australia is the first Australian state to ban single-use plastics, Minister for Environment and Water, the Hon. David Speirs [...]
Sustainable Development Goals The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. They are a call to action for peace and prosperity by 2030. [...]
Life depends on healthy soil Composting organic waste is so important because it improves soil health and strengthens the soil’s resilience to shocks such as drought. Of the 21 million tonnes [...]
Vented caddies cut smells and costs FACT: It costs 85% more for councils in Adelaide to send food organic and garden organic (FOGO) waste to landfill versus a green (FOGO) bin.1 FACT: Councils [...]
Composting for climate change Did you know that food waste in Australian landfills produces the same amount of greenhouse gases as the emissions of Australia’s steel and iron ore industries [...]
How to Reduce Food Waste Australians waste an average 298kgs of food per capita every year and a whopping 87% of household food waste goes to landfill. If food waste was a country, it would be [...]
BioBags help to improve soil health BioBags increase diversion of food waste from landfill to organics recycling. This creates more compost to enrich soils with the vital nutrients needed to [...]