Compost For Climate Change – BioBag In The News
BioBag World Australia Director Scott Morton wrote an article featured on the cover of the new issue of Nourish magazine called “Compost for Climate Change“. Volume7 No.6 is now on sale in all Coles, Woolworths and IGA supermarkets as well as all newsagencies nationally. Check it out here.
The BioBag ventilated kitchen caddy was also featured in the magazine along with the little known fact that using a ventilated caddy reduces the weight of food waste by around 20% after 4 days.
Get our 12 secrets to home composting for more tips on how you can create your own compost to reduce landfill, cut emissions from transporting food to landfill, and nourish soil with nutrient-rich fertiliser.
Scott also wrote an article in the previous issue of Nourish magazine called What Plastic Is That? to explain the differences between degradable, biodegradable and compostable. Check it out here on our blog.