In Reduce plastic pollution

BioBags Contain No Microplastics

A certified compostable BioBag is an earth-friendly alternative that can be returned to the earth as harmless organic matter, instead of breaking down into harmful microplastics.

Plastic breaks down into microplastics up to 5mm in diameter and you can be sure you have plastic in your body. Extensive research confirms we are ingesting microplastics and a recent study found microplastics in fish liver, suggesting particles can get from digestive tissues to other body parts.

BioBags are certified compostable, meaning they will completely biodegrade in any aerobic environment where microorganisms are active.

The results of a 2 year independent study in the USA confirmed non-plastic, biodegradable alternatives like BioBags help prevent plastic pollution. The Better Alternatives Now report found BioBags completely disintegrated on land within 6 months and in the ocean within 2 years.

A study by the UK’s University of Plymouth found compostable bags biodegrade in marine environments within 3 months in the presence of oxygen and microorganisms.

A BioBag will not release microplastics if it ends up in nature.

Some plastic bags labelled ‘green and degradable’ or ‘naturally degradable’ contain an additive which makes them break down faster into smaller fragments. But these bags are made from normal plastic (polyethylene), so they are not in fact ‘green’ at all. 

It’s easy to label something ‘degradable’ or ‘biodegradable’, but these terms don’t mean anything unless proven by a performance standard like Australian Standard AS4736.

Our new Food & Freezer Bags show the innovation behind BioBags.

BioBags are now a true plastic alternative. When you’re finished using a BioBag, you can reuse it to collect food scraps, then put it in your compost bin or council green bin (check with your local council).

The main purpose of a BioBag is to offer a plastic alternative that can divert food waste from landfill and put valuable nutrients back into soil via composting. Compost is the best end-of-life option for a bag because it can help to create nutrient-rich soil fertiliser.

BioBag products are made from Mater-Bi which is subject to ongoing product development in Italy. Learn more in the video here on our website.