The only Australian made compostable bin liners.
Completely compostable bags perfect for lining your bin for the collection of organic waste or to line your general household bin. They are also great to collect valuable food waste from restaurants and canteens.
When you choose BioBag Compostable Bin Liners one less plastic bag is going to landfill.
BioBags are made from Mater-Bi®, a compostable resin derived from plants, vegetable oils and compostable polymers. And unlike degradable and landfill biodegradable bags that simply break down into thousands of particles of polluting microplastics, BioBags comply with the Australian Standard for compostability (home compostable AS5810 and commercial compostable AS4736.), which means they genuinely break down into organic matter and worms love them.
They offer the strength of regular plastic bags whilst being an easy, hygienic and environmentally friendly solution for both household and commercial kitchens, as they will break down in the presence of micro-organisms and oxygen making it an excellent alternative anywhere a bin liner is used.
Certified home compostable AS5810 and commercial compostable AS4736
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