Supermarkets replace plastic with BioBags
Following news that South Australia is the first Australian state to ban single-use plastics, Minister for Environment and Water, the Hon. David Speirs MP, has launched a new plastic free initiative at Adelaide’s Finest Supermarket’s (Foodland Frewville and Foodland Pasadena) with KESAB Environmental Solutions and BioBag.
KESAB has been working with the two Foodland stores to identify and implement best practice options for reduction, recovery, diversion, recycling and reuse of consumer packaging. This has included waste audits, Foodland’s 2019 introduction of the “Pack & Go” initiative and now the decision to replace single-use plastics in all departments in their supermarkets with 100% compostable BioBags.
BioBag World Australia Director Scott Morton said with the help of KESAB, it’s great to see South Australia and Adelaide’s Finest Supermarkets leading the way in single use plastic alternatives.
“We’re delighted that a world leading supermarket is supporting local manufacturing to provide a product to divert food waste.
“The locally made BioBag produce bags can be reused at home in kitchen compost caddies and recycled with food waste in your green bin or your home compost bin.
“Research shows offering shoppers compostable produce bags for fresh food can divert an extra 300 percent of green waste into organics recycling bins.
“Data also shows BioBags are behaviour change tools that significantly increase collection of kitchen scraps and household participation in organics recycling programs.
“The produce bags are certified compostable to Australian Standards AS4736-2006 and AS5810-2010 and guaranteed to leave no microplastics or toxic residues behind.
“The sole aim of BioBags is to avoid plastic and divert food waste away from landfill so these valuable resources can be recovered as we move towards a circular economy.
“BioBags break down just like plants in a composting environment. When plant matter composts it can be returned to the ground to grow more plants – the best end-of-life option for a bag,” Mr Morton said.